I remember how much I love my parents' bed when I was little - it just felt so cozy. Its funny how I could be feeling so sick, but as soon as I crawled into that bed, something magic happened and eventhough I was still sick, I felt "better"... I want Ben to feel the same with our bed. He sleeps in his own room at night, but there are nights that he asks to "start off in our bed"... I always say yes, because I remember how I loved it when I was young!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
It was so nice out today! Ben (and Hudson) love the snow, so we got all dressed up and went into the backyard to play. Dave is still off from work because of his knee and it is so nice to have him at home! Ben loves it too! He still has to be careful, but just having him around has been great!

I know I've said it before, but I love how Ben plays with Hudson now. He feeds him, lets him out to pee, throws his ball, wrestles with him and pets and hugs him... I was worried that it would never happen, but other than the fact that Hudson is "too hairy", we've made some major progress in the last few months!
Mr. B happily warming up in Mom & Dad's bed after being outside.
I remember how much I love my parents' bed when I was little - it just felt so cozy. Its funny how I could be feeling so sick, but as soon as I crawled into that bed, something magic happened and eventhough I was still sick, I felt "better"... I want Ben to feel the same with our bed. He sleeps in his own room at night, but there are nights that he asks to "start off in our bed"... I always say yes, because I remember how I loved it when I was young!
I remember how much I love my parents' bed when I was little - it just felt so cozy. Its funny how I could be feeling so sick, but as soon as I crawled into that bed, something magic happened and eventhough I was still sick, I felt "better"... I want Ben to feel the same with our bed. He sleeps in his own room at night, but there are nights that he asks to "start off in our bed"... I always say yes, because I remember how I loved it when I was young!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
After another long Wednesday, Ben was getting ready for bed tonight and as I was giving him his hug and kiss goodnight, I realized that I (again) did not get a photo for today...
I hate that these are the only 2 I have because:
#1. They show my wrinkles
#2. They are waaay to close up!
#3. I am a horrible "self photo shot" taker
#4. Did I mention those horrible wrinkles? Ugh!
If I could erase all of the Yuck out of the photo, what I do love about it is how sweet my little man is and how much I love him! His smile in these photos is so sincere (as is mine)... I am so in love with my Mr.B.... my heart warms up just looking at these photos!
I cannot figure out how to take my own photo without closing my eyes... I don't know if it is because the camera is sooo close or what - makes me laugh!
a biiiit better...still can't believe I'm posting these...
I hate that these are the only 2 I have because:
#1. They show my wrinkles
#2. They are waaay to close up!
#3. I am a horrible "self photo shot" taker
#4. Did I mention those horrible wrinkles? Ugh!
If I could erase all of the Yuck out of the photo, what I do love about it is how sweet my little man is and how much I love him! His smile in these photos is so sincere (as is mine)... I am so in love with my Mr.B.... my heart warms up just looking at these photos!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I am thankful that my mom like to take photos as much as I do, because it seems like Tuesdays and Wednesdays I stink at getting a photo in! Thanks for these ones Granny! xo
Ben doing some shovelling before Boompa gets home
this one is funny, because there are 2 little kids working away and not an adult in sight!
this was Uncle Richard's kitchen when he was little...its still in great shape and Ben loves it. The food was made so much better back then - it is so real looking!
B BBQing
B and Silly Hat... silly boy!
Monday, March 28, 2011
What can I say about today.... Back to Hockey... pants-less this time! I don't know if it is a Ben thing or a boy thing, but my little man loves not wearing pants! He is happiest with a t-shirt or sweater and his undies - that's all.... I hope he outgrows this before school, or we'll be in trouble!
I do love how cute his little bum looks in boxer-briefs though... he he he

I do love how cute his little bum looks in boxer-briefs though... he he he
Sunday, March 27, 2011
From one extreme to the next... yesterday was hockey and today was BAKING! Mama's favorite! I think I love baking as much as B loves hockey! We had some pretty brown bananas and Dave kept bugging me about them. Its funny because he loves banana bread, but he hates the fact that the bananas have to sit on the counter once the get spotted and they stay there until they are nice and brown. I hear about it until I mash them use them! I convinced Ben into helping me make some muffins and bread. The only way he would help is if I promised to let him sprinkle the chocolate chips in and if he got to sample some.... He is actually really good at baking. He understands that we have to follow a recipe and that I will measure and he will dump it in and start the mixer. He is also really good at breaking eggs...everywhere! ;) I let him pass them to me so he can see how fragile they are, but every once in a while, he will get this look on his face (a little smirk) and send his thumb smashing right into the centre of the egg. He looks as me with a "what happened?" look, but behind it is really a "ha ha ha, that was cool" look... Its cute, because I pretend that it is serious that he is wasting eggs and that he has to be careful, but deep down I'm really loving it because he thinks he is fooling me and he looks so cute! We're both "fooling" eachother!
Mr. B scooping out the batter - I can't believe how big he looks in this photo! His legs look so long!!!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
If we aren't playing hockey on the ice at Millenium Place, we are playing in the hallway! Uncle Jon bought Ben some hockey pants (pads...I honestly am not up to date on the equipment terminology)... Anyway, he got him some "bottoms" and Ben loves wearing them in the house while he plays hockey. He said that he can slide on the "ice" better that way...
Dave found him a neat puck at Laugh & Learn a while ago that is mean to slide on carpet just like a real one does on the ice... I had my doubts, but it works really well!
Mr. B (or should I say Sam Gagne) all suited up for the big hallway game. He always has to be Sam Gagne whenever he plays - I think its so cute - he loves his hockey! I asked him if he wanted to wear his Jersey and he told me he didn't want to get it all sweaty! ;)
"Sam Gagne" and his "moves"
Dave found him a neat puck at Laugh & Learn a while ago that is mean to slide on carpet just like a real one does on the ice... I had my doubts, but it works really well!

"Sam Gagne" and his "moves"
Friday, March 25, 2011
This morning we looked after Talyor and Emmerson while Darren and Paulette did some running around. Ben and his two girlies play so well together! I'm so glad he has such cutie little friends that are so close in age to him (6 days). They do so much together and its so fun to watch them grow up as BFF's! We were supposed to go to Auntie Carrie and Carter's for lunch today, but Ben woke up with a runny nose.... it was a good thing that the girls had runny noses too.... It was cute because when I told Ben that we could not go and visit Carter because he was sick, he said...."you know mom, we don't want to get baby Carter sick with a runny nose too.. we should just stay home and get better!" I love that he is at the age where he "gets" things now!
Eating breakfast
playing.. this was so cute, because they would each finish the puzzle that they were working on and then switch and rotate them
Ben playing photographer again... Miss Taylor
Emmerson... (I think.... am I right Paulette?) ;)
Mr. Hudson - him and B are getting to be quite the buds lately!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I know that this blog is supposed to be me taking at least 1 photo every day to capture the whole year, but today I had some help.... my little man is now a Photographer! He was watching me with my camera this morning and asked if he could try it. At first I said "no", but then I thought about how careful he is with things that are fragile and thought.... sure, what is the worst that can happen? (crazy? yes!) I put it around his neck and gave him a quick run through of no touching any buttons except the big one on the top! He took the first photo and then took off, snapping everything in site! It was cute! I let him take some on his own and then he came back to show me.... most of them were really good! When he was in his playroom taking photos, I could hear him saying to his trucks "I'm a photographer....say cheese". There are lots of photos, but I love seeing life through his "eyes"...

Hudson "helping" mom vacuum





and more toys!

this one is my favorite! I know it is just a fluke, but I love the color and focus on this one!!!

we all had to pose with Silly Hat on our heads...Hudson...


and dad....
Hudson "helping" mom vacuum
and more toys!
this one is my favorite! I know it is just a fluke, but I love the color and focus on this one!!!
we all had to pose with Silly Hat on our heads...Hudson...
and dad....
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Sometimes when I feel a little bit stressed, I find shopping cures it! Paulette and I went shopping last night to West Edmonton Mall and it was just what I needed. Our little family has a lot going on right now and my mind seems like it is always planning, racing, thinking about days coming up....it just never stops. I always laugh at Dave because I will be thinking about a million things while we are falling asleep and I'll turn over and ask him what he is thinking about..... "nothing" is what he says. At first, I used to think that this was his way of telling me to be quiet and go to sleep, but now I know he really means "nothing"! I have asked him "you must be thinking of something, even something little" , and to this he says, "nope, I'm really thinking about nothing!"... It drives me crazy because I would love to be able to shut my brain off like that!
Anyway, back to my retail therapy....when I'm shopping (or baking or doing crafty things), that is truly the only time that my mind isn't racing and yesterday I needed it! It seems like I needed it a lot because it continues over to today and here I am, still shopping, but now its online! Dangerous!!!
In a few short weeks... I'll have these pretty little additions to my footwear collection! eeeeeee! ;)

I tried these cutie ones on last night but they did not have my size in stock... so I went to Coach's website and ordered them! ;)

I found my Bogs here and ordered them - can't wait to splash in the puddles with Mr. B!!!
these are for Ben... they are still BOGS, they are just slip on high tops. I thought they were perfect for when his Bogs boots are too bulky but when its still wet out! They had a pair in Dave's size but I got a "don't you dare even think of ordering me a pair of those geeky things" look.... so just Ben and I got some. ;)
Anyway, back to my retail therapy....when I'm shopping (or baking or doing crafty things), that is truly the only time that my mind isn't racing and yesterday I needed it! It seems like I needed it a lot because it continues over to today and here I am, still shopping, but now its online! Dangerous!!!
In a few short weeks... I'll have these pretty little additions to my footwear collection! eeeeeee! ;)

I tried these cutie ones on last night but they did not have my size in stock... so I went to Coach's website and ordered them! ;)

I found my Bogs here and ordered them - can't wait to splash in the puddles with Mr. B!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Ben went to Granny & Boompa's for his weekly sleep over tonight. My mom sent me this photo of Ben and Boompa playing Foosball. He loves anything to do with sports! I have him signed up in a program called Sport Ball that starts the second week of April that I can't wait for! Each week they learn a new sport (its unparented, so he will have a "coach"). I think it will be great!

I love that he is standing on a Rubbermaid (even though he acts so grown up, it just proves that he is still my LITTLE boy!)
I love that he is standing on a Rubbermaid (even though he acts so grown up, it just proves that he is still my LITTLE boy!)
Monday, March 21, 2011
I sometimes feel like most of this blog is B skating! Really, when you look back, I would say over 1/2 is!!! He can't get enough of it though right now and I love how he loves it so much! Tonight, Auntie Carrie took him skating. He had so much fun! I thought it was cute that he was trying to impress her, because this was the first time that he spent the whole time on the big rink, not just the little pond at Millennium Place. Whenever we've gone before, he'll go to the big rink for a few seconds and then race back to the little rink... not tonight! It will be so much fun next winter when Carter can get out there too and skate with Ben!

Mr. B and Auntie Carrie on the player's bench


B eating the giant cookie Auntie Carrie bough him after the game!

B and his biggest fan! xo

B and Auntie C
Mr. B and Auntie Carrie on the player's bench
B eating the giant cookie Auntie Carrie bough him after the game!
B and his biggest fan! xo
B and Auntie C
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Today was every Oiler fan's dream day! It was Meet and Greet with the Oilers at Rexal Place and my mom and dad gave us 2 tickets to go. Dave's knee was still sore, so being the great mom that I am ;) I took Ben to meet his favorite Oilers. I wasn't too sure how it was going to work or how many people would be there, but I didn't think it would be as busy as it was! It was only open to Season ticket holders, so I didn't think it would be too busy....WRONG!
When we got there, we were allowed in the main entry, but the doors to the arena were still closed, so we waited with hundreds of other fans like a heard of cattle. I picked Ben up because I was afraid of him being trampled! When the doors opened, the mad rush was on. Each Oiler was stationed somewhere around the main concourse and they gave you maps of the arena to find your favorite players. No cameras, no autographs and no special requests were allowed. They had Oiler photographers on site with each Oiler that would take the photos and then they would email them to you.
I asked Ben who he wanted to see the most because I knew I would do anything I could to let him meet his most favorite player and he picked Sam Gagne. He was not too far away and everyone was running upstairs to Taylor Hall, so we booted it over to Sam and ended up being first in line! We waited for about 15 minutes for him to get there and when he did, B's eyes lit up bigger than they did on Christmas morning!! He got his photo taken and talked to him for a second and then we were off to Oiler #2... Jordan Eberle (how he knows his name I have no clue, but that was who he wanted to meet next...)
Jordan Eberle was way up in the nosebleeds and on the opposite end of the arena from Sam Gagne, so the climb was not fun! I kept asking if he was sure he wanted to meet him and he kept saying "yes mom, lets keep going"... We finally got to his line up and it was huge! Some people said that they had been waiting for 1/2 hour, so by judging, I assumed it would be about 1 hour for us.... Ben insisted that he wanted to wait and that is just what we did... for a little over an hour. I was so proud of him! Not once did he complain or get rowdy, he just waited patiently by my side and when it got to be his turn, that smile came back and that whole hour wait was so worth it! I love my little man so much and it was so great to spend this day with him! It amazes me that at 3 he can be so passionate about hockey and the Oilers!
After the 2 photos, we got lunch, did some shopping at the gift shop (he won a $25 gift certificate) and watched the Oilers practice....5 hours later we were on our way home and he still had that great big smile! Loved every second! (except climbing those million stairs to see Jordan Eberle!) ha ha

Mr. B and Sam Gagne

Mr. B and Jordan Eberle (I love how Ben says his name!)

Some of the Oilers at the practice...I brought my little camera, so my photos weren't as good as they could have been. I'm just glad that they had professional photographers for the Oilers shots with Ben!
When we got there, we were allowed in the main entry, but the doors to the arena were still closed, so we waited with hundreds of other fans like a heard of cattle. I picked Ben up because I was afraid of him being trampled! When the doors opened, the mad rush was on. Each Oiler was stationed somewhere around the main concourse and they gave you maps of the arena to find your favorite players. No cameras, no autographs and no special requests were allowed. They had Oiler photographers on site with each Oiler that would take the photos and then they would email them to you.
I asked Ben who he wanted to see the most because I knew I would do anything I could to let him meet his most favorite player and he picked Sam Gagne. He was not too far away and everyone was running upstairs to Taylor Hall, so we booted it over to Sam and ended up being first in line! We waited for about 15 minutes for him to get there and when he did, B's eyes lit up bigger than they did on Christmas morning!! He got his photo taken and talked to him for a second and then we were off to Oiler #2... Jordan Eberle (how he knows his name I have no clue, but that was who he wanted to meet next...)
Jordan Eberle was way up in the nosebleeds and on the opposite end of the arena from Sam Gagne, so the climb was not fun! I kept asking if he was sure he wanted to meet him and he kept saying "yes mom, lets keep going"... We finally got to his line up and it was huge! Some people said that they had been waiting for 1/2 hour, so by judging, I assumed it would be about 1 hour for us.... Ben insisted that he wanted to wait and that is just what we did... for a little over an hour. I was so proud of him! Not once did he complain or get rowdy, he just waited patiently by my side and when it got to be his turn, that smile came back and that whole hour wait was so worth it! I love my little man so much and it was so great to spend this day with him! It amazes me that at 3 he can be so passionate about hockey and the Oilers!
After the 2 photos, we got lunch, did some shopping at the gift shop (he won a $25 gift certificate) and watched the Oilers practice....5 hours later we were on our way home and he still had that great big smile! Loved every second! (except climbing those million stairs to see Jordan Eberle!) ha ha

Mr. B and Sam Gagne

Mr. B and Jordan Eberle (I love how Ben says his name!)
Some of the Oilers at the practice...I brought my little camera, so my photos weren't as good as they could have been. I'm just glad that they had professional photographers for the Oilers shots with Ben!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Even though Ben still loves his trucks and hockey, he has a new "LOVE"....wrestling! I definitely have a BOY!! He loves to take off his shirt (or pants, or both) and wrestle, either with Dave, me or even his imaginary friends, Ian and Owen (love their names)...
He cracks me up because some of his holds are really good and he is really strong! Today, he was wrestling with "uncle Jon", even though uncle Jon was not here... Dave got it on camera and then asked to see his strong muscles... this was the pose he got...

He looks so funny in this photo - makes me laugh!
He cracks me up because some of his holds are really good and he is really strong! Today, he was wrestling with "uncle Jon", even though uncle Jon was not here... Dave got it on camera and then asked to see his strong muscles... this was the pose he got...
He looks so funny in this photo - makes me laugh!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Today was post op day #1 for Dave....he was doing not too bad, but by the end of the day, he was a little sore. I made him and Ben some popcorn and put in the Lion King for them to watch. Ben does not get to watch too many movies still, so when he does its a big treat! Even bigger when you add buttered popcorn and juice! They were both quite into the movie, so I snuck out for a little trip to Michaels...it was nice Friday for everyone!

Dave's eyes still look a little glassy from the general anaesthetic ;)
Dave's eyes still look a little glassy from the general anaesthetic ;)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tired couldn't even explain today! I was exhausted!! Today, Dave went in for knee surgery. He had to be at the hospital for 6 am, so we had to leave the house at around 5:20am - yuck! Being a stay at home mom with a little man who likes to sleep in means that we don't usually start our day until around 8:30 or so. When I went in to wake Ben up to go, he said "but its still dark out, it must be nighttime still..." Once we got there, we were all awake. We waited with Dave until the nurses came, gave our kisses and went back home for a little nap.
Dave was ready to come home by noon and I was very suprised at how well he did. He was able to walk out to the car by himself. His knee is all bandaged up so I can't see what it looks like, but it is very tender I'm told....as much as I want him to be all better, a week or two of him being home will be kinda nice!

this was Ben and I after dinner....I crashed and just needed a 5 minute nap. Its funny how that can just be all that is needed sometimes. My nap didn't exist though because my little Mr. B wanted to snuggle, which turned into a big game of "tickle" (his favorite).
I was kind of upset that I didn't really do anything for St. Patick's day this year. I told Ben to wear green and that he would get pinched if he didn't, but really I didn't do anything else special. I found this site that I am going to come back to next year and do for him, I think it is adorable. With everything that has been going on in our lives right now, I just ran out of time....
Dave was ready to come home by noon and I was very suprised at how well he did. He was able to walk out to the car by himself. His knee is all bandaged up so I can't see what it looks like, but it is very tender I'm told....as much as I want him to be all better, a week or two of him being home will be kinda nice!
this was Ben and I after dinner....I crashed and just needed a 5 minute nap. Its funny how that can just be all that is needed sometimes. My nap didn't exist though because my little Mr. B wanted to snuggle, which turned into a big game of "tickle" (his favorite).
I was kind of upset that I didn't really do anything for St. Patick's day this year. I told Ben to wear green and that he would get pinched if he didn't, but really I didn't do anything else special. I found this site that I am going to come back to next year and do for him, I think it is adorable. With everything that has been going on in our lives right now, I just ran out of time....
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Silly Hat..... I got Ben a "taggie" blanket from the Farmer's Market when he was about 6 months old. I thought it would be his little blankie that he would take everywhere and wear down to a little thread, but he did not seem to like it. I always had it in his crib and it would get ignored. He really didn't have any one special stuffed animal or blanket. It was once he was about 1 or so, the "taggie" blanket got named "silly hat" by daddy. Dave would put it on his head and say "silly hat" and it just kinda stuck. Fast forward 2 years and Ben and "Silly Hat" are inseperable. He will carry it around now and leave it in the laundry room when we go out so that it is right there when we get back home. He needs it at night to "tickle his feet" and when he is reading he likes to play with it either tickling his toes or on his head.....don't ask me. Its cute, becuase if you watch him closely, when he has "Silly Hat" in his hands, he makes a sucking motion with his lips, it makes me laugh. I know it is a soothing reflex, its just so funny to watch him!
Today he was reading his big Richard Scary book on my office floor, so interested in the book and his Silly Hat, he had no idea I took his photo!
Also... HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIE CARRIE! Today is her birthday #29 (right Carrie). Her and Uncle Chris are going snowboarding this weekend - fun!!

Today he was reading his big Richard Scary book on my office floor, so interested in the book and his Silly Hat, he had no idea I took his photo!
Also... HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIE CARRIE! Today is her birthday #29 (right Carrie). Her and Uncle Chris are going snowboarding this weekend - fun!!
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