I know that this blog is supposed to be me taking at least 1 photo every day to capture the whole year, but today I had some help.... my little man is now a Photographer! He was watching me with my camera this morning and asked if he could try it. At first I said "no", but then I thought about how careful he is with things that are fragile and thought.... sure, what is the worst that can happen? (crazy? yes!) I put it around his neck and gave him a quick run through of no touching any buttons except the big one on the top! He took the first photo and then took off, snapping everything in site! It was cute! I let him take some on his own and then he came back to show me.... most of them were really good! When he was in his playroom taking photos, I could hear him saying to his trucks "I'm a photographer....say cheese". There are lots of photos, but I love seeing life through his "eyes"...

Hudson "helping" mom vacuum





and more toys!

this one is my favorite! I know it is just a fluke, but I love the color and focus on this one!!!

we all had to pose with Silly Hat on our heads...Hudson...


and dad....
Love this so much.