Ben has been waiting for today to come for a week now. We talked about it last week and I explained to him what it was all about... he loved the idea of Fooling someone and every morning he would ask if it was April Fool's yet... well today I got to say YES!
I looked online to see what kind of "kid pranks" we could pull that he would understand and find silly... Here are a few..
Ben turning Daddy's Cheerios Green (this didn't work too well.... you are supposed to put food coloring in the cereal bowl and then put the Cheerios on top to hide the food coloring. Then when you pour the milk on top, it is supposed to change colors... well, the Cheerios soaked up most of the green color, so the mild didn't change too much...noted for next year!)
Ben turning Daddy's milk blue... this one worked great!
"I lost a tooth" prank on Granny... he loved this one!
Its funny, when you turn anything into a cupcake (even meat) it gets gobbled up! I wanted to do this for desert, but I ran out of time... next year!
Great ideas!! So cute!!