Brrr! That is the best word to describe today! We had a "snow day" today. Ben and I watched a movie (his Franklin DVD from the library...again) and Dave and Hudson shovelled/snow blowed the driveway. I made Ben some popcorn and he snuggled up in his new Zoobie blanket. Its a good thing I made so much stew yesterday because we had enough for tonight and I can't think of a better meal when it is cold outside! My dad always said that stew is better the second day, and I agree!

This is Ben's Zoombie Pet, Rhexmi the Rhino. He starts off as a stuffed animal with a bean-bag squishy head....

Then you undo the Velcro underneath his belly and it makes into a comfy pillow....

When you unzip him, he has a soft, cozy blanket inside of him - Santa brought it for him and Ben loves it! ;)

Mr. Hudson ready for the snow....cute! PLEASE ignore the mess of a dining room in the background! eek!
Gotta love the Galoot in his snow booties. He's so cute.