What would a trip to Calgary be without a day of shopping at
Cross Iron Mills? And what would a trip to Cross Iron Mills be without a trip to the
Bass Pro Shop? We also went into Build-A-Bear because when I was here with my mom, I saw that they had E.B, the character from the Easter movie HOP. I really wanted to take Ben to that movie and I thought it would be cute for him to have the bunny that is in the movie. He was so excited when we told him! I love how sincere little kids are - everything seems to make him so truly happy and excited - it makes me so happy to see him happy! Love my little Mr. B!

Ben and the moose at the Bass Pro shop

Love this one!

Ben making his E.B stuffed bunny at Build-A-Bear. This was his first time in the store ever!

picking out E.B's heart

putting it in...

giving him a bath... it was really cute & he had lots of fun!
You can kind of see E.B in the video, but
here is what he looks like
Looks like the moose is giving B. a kiss on the top of his head!