Today we celebrated "Family Day". It is actually tomorrow, but Dave is working and he was at home today, so we made it today instead! I would love to have more of these kinds of days, but we always seem so busy... I cherish each one we do get though! My dad stopped by today and helped Dave down in the basement. We are finally finishing it and so Dave was starting to put walls up...well the frames anyway. My dad and him got to work and really did quite well for 2 guys not knowing anything about framing a basement! (they should have called in Dave's dad for some "supervision")... I was so thankful that my dad was helping out that I decided to make him his favorite Coconut Cream Pie. I had never made one before and I found a really good from-scatch recipe on the internet so I decided to try it out. WOW!! It was so pretty AND delicious. A little finnicky, but well worth it! After dinner and desert, we went skating. Well, Granny and Boompa and Ben went, Dave and I sat and watched. It was nice to have a coffee together and just sit alone and watch them... a little family time to ourself!
I can't believe how fast Ben is getting on the ice!! He loves it so much and I am glad he has something already that he is so passionate about! I don't ever bring it up because I don't want to force him into anything - he is always the one to want to go and whenever he asks, I try to always take him....I'm so glad he got his athleticism from his daddy and not me!

my yummy Coconut Cream Pie

Family Day skate

Break time...
Look at the speed!!! My little Oiler ;)
I love how little Ben is trying out granny's walker so she won't feel 'out of place'.