Today was Hockey Day in Canada. Ben and I took one of my girlfriends to the game. As we walked in, they gave us little Canada flags to wave - we had no idea why. I then overheard some guys talking about today... they said that all 6 Canadian teams were playing eachother and that CBC was broadcasting all 3 games. I guess they were live in Whitehorse broadcasting. They had the Stanley cup up there and were interviewing people there. Once I had heard that, eveything made much more sense.... There were RCMP out on the ice for the Anthem and a huge Canadian flag... Ben thought it was pretty neat!
Getting ready for the game at home was hilarious! First, we had to get his Jersey on and then his hair had to be done nice ;)
Next came the Tattoos. I had found some Waterless ones at Michaels and he wanted them on both cheeks and both hands. I convinced him to just pick one cheek and both hands. He kept saying "make them straight mom" - he is SO into his hockey!

He wanted his photo with the Zamboni.... this was the best I could do.

These were with the play going on behind him... we had a great day!
What a little Oiler. He sure loves his hockey. I PVR'd the game, so he can see himself on TV. Every time the camera swung around to him his eyes were glued to the play. What a fan.