Today Uncle Jon met Ben and I at Millennium Place to go skating. Ben has been talking about skating since we have been back from Hawaii and it just seems like we never fit it into our busy schedule...He was so excited when he found out we were going! He did so well! First he started off barely balancing on the ice with the little push chairs. Jon had to hold him up most of the time... then slowly but surely... by the end of the night he was doing it all on his own - my little Oiler ;)

all dressed up and ready to go!

he would tell Jon that he needed a break and they would go and sit down and drink their water and talk... so cute!

learning all the skills from his Uncle
I apologize about the blurriness, my camera has issues when it is in Video mode.... Love how he stops to wave at his mama... hope he does this when he is in the NHL!
all by himself this time!!
Great Job Ben! Looks like you might need to get Uncle Jon a chair so that he doesn't fall and hurt himself!! ;)Auntie Carrie