Once Ben was in bed, I tidied up the kitchen and went to work baking.... In total I have 32 cupcakes and 4 cakes to make. Yes, I use Box cake mix.... I'm not going to pretend that I don't! I think it tastes just as yummy and sometimes even yummier!! So now my secret it out.......I'm not that much of a "Martha Stewart" after all - its all just smoke and mirrors! ;)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Dave took today off and it was such a treat! I have so much to do still for the 2 parties next weekend as well as all of my Work, that it was nice to be able to do it without Mr. B. Don't get me wrong, he is always so good and such a help, but its funny how much time is wasted with getting in and out of the car seat, having to look at each little thing and walking slow with only one free hand to hold things.....
Once Ben was in bed, I tidied up the kitchen and went to work baking.... In total I have 32 cupcakes and 4 cakes to make. Yes, I use Box cake mix.... I'm not going to pretend that I don't! I think it tastes just as yummy and sometimes even yummier!! So now my secret it out.......I'm not that much of a "Martha Stewart" after all - its all just smoke and mirrors! ;)
Once Ben was in bed, I tidied up the kitchen and went to work baking.... In total I have 32 cupcakes and 4 cakes to make. Yes, I use Box cake mix.... I'm not going to pretend that I don't! I think it tastes just as yummy and sometimes even yummier!! So now my secret it out.......I'm not that much of a "Martha Stewart" after all - its all just smoke and mirrors! ;)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
mmmmm Brunch! It is my favorite meal! I love breakfast foods and I love the fact that it is a bit later in the morning so you can work up an appetite and have more room to stuff it all in! Gram and Grandad had us over today to celebrate Grandma's birthday. Carter is walking now and its getting closer and closer to the day when he'll be playing around with Ben.
The food was delicious! Gram made a French toast that had cream cheese inside of it - it was so good!
I always seem to forget my camera when we go to Gram and Grandad's, so this time I made sure I brought it..... lots of photos ahead!
Ben and Uncle Chris playing some soccer.
Mr. Carter
Lexi taking a little break from the action
doing a sticker activity book - one of his favorite things to do these days
Gram got Ben an Aquadoodle... Ben thought it was pretty cool (so did mom!)
present time!
the boys hard at work
Carter checking out what is going on over on the couch...
Carter coming over to join in the fun
Auntie Carrie, Dad and the boys eating some yummy Pina Colada Cake....mmmm!
The food was delicious! Gram made a French toast that had cream cheese inside of it - it was so good!
I always seem to forget my camera when we go to Gram and Grandad's, so this time I made sure I brought it..... lots of photos ahead!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
We had company last night for dinner and I found some Tulips yesterday at Costco that were so pretty! 1 dozen Tulips were $9.99 and they were huge!! I bought 2 bunches and they have opened up so nicely today! I think that they are right up there as one of my favorite flowers! Those and Peonies (but the ones without little ants crawling in them)! We had a quiet Saturday today. Dave was working and Ben and I stayed home and played. I got a few photos up in my new frame wall that Dave (and Ben) built for me a few weeks ago. I have the large print on order and I hope to get it soon...
my Tulips - aren't they gorgeous!?
A few more photos and then it will be finished!
my little musician today....love the raised eyebrows!
my little musician today....love the raised eyebrows!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Ben cracked me up today.... I was tidying up before I started Vaccuming and Hudson had tore apart one of his little stuffed animals. There was stuffing everywhere! I asked Ben if he would help me and pick up the stuffing from the ground and put it in the garbage can. He picked up one piece with his fingers and was so disgusted because it was all slobbery. He said that he did not want to help unless he had a tool to help... I thought about it and then found our tongs (don't worry, they got stuck in the dishwasher as soon as he was done!). It was so funny to see him picking up each piece with the tongs... he hates getting his hands messy - wonder where he gets that from!? ;)

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Today is Grandma Gilles' Birthday! Ben and I went to see her and my Grandma (and Olga of course). They had entertainment today as well as the February Birthday Celebration, so it was perfect that it fell right on Grandma's special day! She was so pleased when they sang Happy Birthday and then the passed out cupcakes...B's favorite part of the day! He licked off all of the icing and gave me the dry cupcake... what a boy! All in all it was a really nice day. I enjoy going to visit my Grandmas (and Olga). I really try and see them all once a week. Its good for Ben and me too!
These are totally unrelated to my post, but I just got these today... love them! I love to decorate for Holidays and Easter is one of my favorites! I don't know what I am going to put these in yet....
Great Grandma Gilles and Mr. B. Ben made Grandma a card and picked out a little potted Violet for her. He was so careful in deciding which color to buy - we went with a light purple. ;)
The whole "gang". Olga, Grandma Gilles and Grandma with little Mr. B. I really like this photo of everyone!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Okay, so not much happened today, except for me working and then coming home and organizing another closet... I was really happy with these baskets I found. I ended up buying out the whole stock at the one store. I went to a few more to try and find the same baskets, but they are no longer to be found....its too bad, because I would love to use them in the basement once it is finished...
Ahhhh, so nice and clean! I still would like to make little tags to hang on each basket, telling what is in them. One day!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tonight was a busy night for both Dave and I. My dad stopped by and him and Dave did dome work in the basement. They finished quite a bit of the framing that night. Its slowly starting to look like something down there!
While they were building, my girlfriend Paulette and I were busy upstairs crafting ;) We were getting some little projects ready for the kids' birthday party. We are combining them this year because Ben and Paulette's girls are only 6 days apart in birthdays. This way we thought all of their friends would only have to come to 1 party instead of Ben's one weekend and then the Girls' the next weekend.... we'll see how it turns out! If its anything like the little things we made tonight, it will be a hit!
a work in progress...
I don't want to show too much detail of these just yet.... I will post more of these in a few weeks...they are cute though!
While they were building, my girlfriend Paulette and I were busy upstairs crafting ;) We were getting some little projects ready for the kids' birthday party. We are combining them this year because Ben and Paulette's girls are only 6 days apart in birthdays. This way we thought all of their friends would only have to come to 1 party instead of Ben's one weekend and then the Girls' the next weekend.... we'll see how it turns out! If its anything like the little things we made tonight, it will be a hit!
Monday, February 21, 2011
If its not Hockey or Trucks, its crafts! Today, Ben decided he wanted to make hand prints...with paint! I love all the mom's out there that just get right into the mess with kids and crafts, but for me its baby steps! First I said no to the hand painting and then I thought about it and really, what is the harm in some paint on his hands and the paper.... so with a big deep breath, we painted his hands and then he put them on the paper....big breath out...
He had so much fun doing it...I really felt bad for almost not letting him. I have to get better and letting him do fun, messy stuff like that every one in a while. I love my little man so much and want him to experience everything possible and if that means making a little mess, then I guess that is exactly what is going to happen!

He had so much fun doing it...I really felt bad for almost not letting him. I have to get better and letting him do fun, messy stuff like that every one in a while. I love my little man so much and want him to experience everything possible and if that means making a little mess, then I guess that is exactly what is going to happen!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Today we celebrated "Family Day". It is actually tomorrow, but Dave is working and he was at home today, so we made it today instead! I would love to have more of these kinds of days, but we always seem so busy... I cherish each one we do get though! My dad stopped by today and helped Dave down in the basement. We are finally finishing it and so Dave was starting to put walls up...well the frames anyway. My dad and him got to work and really did quite well for 2 guys not knowing anything about framing a basement! (they should have called in Dave's dad for some "supervision")... I was so thankful that my dad was helping out that I decided to make him his favorite Coconut Cream Pie. I had never made one before and I found a really good from-scatch recipe on the internet so I decided to try it out. WOW!! It was so pretty AND delicious. A little finnicky, but well worth it! After dinner and desert, we went skating. Well, Granny and Boompa and Ben went, Dave and I sat and watched. It was nice to have a coffee together and just sit alone and watch them... a little family time to ourself!
I can't believe how fast Ben is getting on the ice!! He loves it so much and I am glad he has something already that he is so passionate about! I don't ever bring it up because I don't want to force him into anything - he is always the one to want to go and whenever he asks, I try to always take him....I'm so glad he got his athleticism from his daddy and not me!
my yummy Coconut Cream Pie
Family Day skate

Break time...
Look at the speed!!! My little Oiler ;)
I can't believe how fast Ben is getting on the ice!! He loves it so much and I am glad he has something already that he is so passionate about! I don't ever bring it up because I don't want to force him into anything - he is always the one to want to go and whenever he asks, I try to always take him....I'm so glad he got his athleticism from his daddy and not me!
Look at the speed!!! My little Oiler ;)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Today was a very busy day for us! This morning Ben and I spent our time upstairs in his playroom drawing. He wanted me to draw a happy face so I did. Then I asked him to copy what I was drawing. First I started with a circle, and he did the same, then slowly I made a face and he did too.... I have to say, his is pretty good! He was very excited to show dad his face when he got home! This afternoon, Ben decided that he didn't want a nap...usually this is fine, but today he was going to the Oilers game with Granny and Boompa...he had a great time and I'm pretty sure they did too! He was so happy to give Boompa and Granny their tattoos to put on so they could all match and he made sure that they both had their jerseys on too!
Tonight we watched Ben's BFf's Taylor and Emmerson and their sister Jenna. Watching them all play around made me realize how lucky we are, Paulette and I. We have the best kids ever! I know I sound like a braggy mom, but they were all so good and played so well! We baked cookies and they all took turns measuring and pouring - it was cute because one would take a turn and then they would all call out the next person's name and pass the mixing bowl down the line - too cute! While they were baking, the 4 kids played hide and seek! They totally understood how to play with teams and it was so cute watching Ben and Taylor holding hands and running somewhere to hide... you would then hear little giggles and "you whoo's" coming from where they were, but they knew to stay there until they were found. Then they would switch and count to ten and then look for Jenna and Emmerson. I wish I had taped it. I really had a good evening tonight, even though there were 4 kids in my house. The kids had a blast as well!
Ben and his drawing
at the Oiler game (someone had a 2nd intermission nap...)
movie and popcorn time!
our yummy cookies (or as yummy as they could be with 4 little hands helping measure things...)
Ben and his cutie BFF's - love them all! (taylor, ben & emmerson)
Tonight we watched Ben's BFf's Taylor and Emmerson and their sister Jenna. Watching them all play around made me realize how lucky we are, Paulette and I. We have the best kids ever! I know I sound like a braggy mom, but they were all so good and played so well! We baked cookies and they all took turns measuring and pouring - it was cute because one would take a turn and then they would all call out the next person's name and pass the mixing bowl down the line - too cute! While they were baking, the 4 kids played hide and seek! They totally understood how to play with teams and it was so cute watching Ben and Taylor holding hands and running somewhere to hide... you would then hear little giggles and "you whoo's" coming from where they were, but they knew to stay there until they were found. Then they would switch and count to ten and then look for Jenna and Emmerson. I wish I had taped it. I really had a good evening tonight, even though there were 4 kids in my house. The kids had a blast as well!

Friday, February 18, 2011
EEEEEEE! (that is my excited scream) Today was a very exciting day!! My very first Organic Boxdelivery came today! I know it may not sound that exciting, but it was for me! I was so excited to see what I was getting and how it all tasted!
It came a little bit after 4pm and Ben and I quickly took it into the kitchen to open it up! Even the box it came in was perfect! When we opened it up, the colors and the smell of FRESH produce escaped and it was great! Ben had fun pulling everything out one at a time and telling me what it all was. He got stumped at the Bok Choy and Parsnips, but other than that he knew it all. I honestly have never tasted a carrot as delicious! The same with the oranges. That is what Dave was impressed with - they were so tasty!! I do also like the fact that everything is local and organic.... makes me feel like I a doing a little part in helping good ol' mother earth! ;)
I'm sure Dave will make fun of this photo... me taking a picture of a plain cardboard box...
this was everything - Ben had me line it up on the counter so he could look at it afterwards.
It came a little bit after 4pm and Ben and I quickly took it into the kitchen to open it up! Even the box it came in was perfect! When we opened it up, the colors and the smell of FRESH produce escaped and it was great! Ben had fun pulling everything out one at a time and telling me what it all was. He got stumped at the Bok Choy and Parsnips, but other than that he knew it all. I honestly have never tasted a carrot as delicious! The same with the oranges. That is what Dave was impressed with - they were so tasty!! I do also like the fact that everything is local and organic.... makes me feel like I a doing a little part in helping good ol' mother earth! ;)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Well, I am still on an Organization Rampage!! I really didn't think it would last 3 whole days! Honestly, it has been all I have been thinking about... what can I organize next!? So far, I've done the upstairs closet, the main floor entryway closet, the laundry room, Ben's little fridge in his playroom and the kitchen drawers (yes, my Tupperware drawer is now perfect!). When I was doing the laundry room, I found a shelf/ledge that we bought from Ikea sometime before Christmas...it was tucked in behind all of our coats! (sad I know)... anyway, I asked Ben and Dave if they would put it up for me and get it out of the laundry room. I think Ben's eyes got as big as I've seen them in a long time when Dave told him he could help use the "real" drill!
getting ready
using Daddy's drill - what a big boy! He knew to go and get his safety glasses for protection - Boompa would be proud!
After they were done, he decided he needed his hard hat too...
Once I get the photos up that I want on the ledge, I'll post a picture....another thing to add to my list! ;)
Once I get the photos up that I want on the ledge, I'll post a picture....another thing to add to my list! ;)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wednesdays are usually pretty boring posts, so I apologize. Really, if I wasn't doing my Project Life, I probably would not even put up photos on Wednesdays....
Here is my photo for today......Brace yourselves!
TA DA! My first "storage" project! All I need now is some cute little tags on each bin to identify what is in them....another day!
Here is my photo for today......Brace yourselves!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A few days ago I bought this and this magazine from Home Depot. Dave and I are finishing the basement and I wanted some ideas for cute storage downstairs that was not Rubbermaids! A few pages in and I got Spring Cleaning Fever! I ran out today to get some fabric bins, storage trays, wicker bins, anything to do with "organizing". It is going to feel so good to finally tidy and organize all of the messy rooms in our house - the laundry room and upstairs linen closets especially!
Here are my purchases... I need to go back and get a few more, but this will be a good start! I even got little trays to organize Ben's play fridge! Now all of his utensils are in 1 tray and the fruits and veggies are separated as well! Let's see how long he keeps them like that...

Here are my purchases... I need to go back and get a few more, but this will be a good start! I even got little trays to organize Ben's play fridge! Now all of his utensils are in 1 tray and the fruits and veggies are separated as well! Let's see how long he keeps them like that...
Monday, February 14, 2011
We had a great day today!!! So many photos to share and such a busy day!! We were supposed to decorate cookies with Ben's little girlfriends, Taylor and Emmerson this morning, but Talyor was not feeling good, so Ben and I hopped in the car and delivered Valentine's treats to his friends' houses. We stopped at the florist and got some roses for our next "event".
2 of my Grandmas live close by in the same complex, and they were having a Valentines Day party, so we went over and took our Grandmas (and Ben's friend Olga) some flowers and cake pops. They had some live entertainement and cake, so Ben had a great time. He was taking the ladies up to dance on the dance floor one at a time! It was so nice to see people smiling there. Every time we go, it breaks my heart...there are so many seniors there and hardly anyone ever has any company....They all just love Ben and I am so glad that he takes the time and talks with all of them. At the start, he used to play shy, but now when people come up to him, he will talk and smile...you can just see them light up from the inside out! Makes me do the same! I would love to set up a program like a "rent-a-grandparent"... one of my girlfriends had mentioned it to me. I could match seniors up with little kiddies and their moms and they could visit with them once or twice a month. Its amazing what joy a little kid makes in that place! If I could ever find the time, that would be what I would do!!! Ben is one of the few kids that is ever there. All in all, we had a great time - Ben is quite the ham!
After the party, we headed home and both took a nice nap (for some reason, the senior's centre tires me out every time we go!)
Dave got home and we made a nice pasta dinner - its funny, because whenever I think of romantic dinners, I think of spaghetti...must be from Lady & the Tramp.... either way, that's what we had! We went and did some running around and then as a treat, stopped in at Dairy Queen for some desert - Ben was in heaven! He loves the plain vanilla cone!
Once we got home, we decorated our Valentines Day cookies...well Dave and Ben did - I supervised! ;) Dave always takes such care in his work, its quite cute. He hates baking and eveything that goes along with it (except the eating part), but when he actually does something, he makes it like a work of art - love that guy! B's were pretty good too! Looks like I have some strong competition!
This was a little "photoshoot" I set up in B's playroom the other day....I am SO not a photographer, but they worked out not too bad....

These were my Cake Pops! They turned out really well (if I do say so myself..)

He said that they were "so springy and fresh, they were hard to pass up".... my exact words from a post a few days ago about my Grandma's tulips.... I laughed, but also was touched that he actually reads this AND remembers it! Love ya babe!
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