I asked Ben to let me take a photo before we headed into the pool... this was his "hurry up mom...cheese, there is that good?" face...
Coming down the waterslide. It is cute, because up at the top, there is a lifeguard that sits and tells kids when it is their turn to go. Most of the older kids don't even pay attention, or will bud in front of Ben to get up to the top faster. When Ben finally gets up to the top, he will look up at the lifeguard and wait for them to look at him and say "ok, go". Even if there is noone else at the bottom, he will make sure he gets the "ok". One of the lifeguards would laugh each time, because he followed the rules even when he didn't have to.
Oh Benjamino, he is so cute!! It is a nice surprise to see an update; I wasn't expecting anything until you got back. Looks like everyone is having a GREAT time, I'm envious! There is so much snow here, uuuggghhh:( Anyway, Love you guys! See you soon! - Auntie Carrie